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We will send you an email to reset your password.
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Once your order has been shipped, tracking information will be sent to the email address that was provided during checkout.
Orders are processed and shipped within 1-3 business days.
Delivery within the United States can range from 5 to 8 days. Actual delivery time may vary depending on your location, weather conditions, and other variables.
Address changes may be made within 24 hours of the order being placed. Please contact us at hello@aipyr.comto update your shipping address.
Please reach out to us at hello@aipyr.com within 24 hours of placing your order to cancel.
After your order has been shipped, it is beyond our control. We are not responsible for lost or damaged packages.
If you have questions regarding your order, please contact us at hello@aipyr.com.
We do not accept returns or exchanges.
We currently ship to the United States and Canada.